Research Article

Polymorphisms in α- and β-Adrenergic Receptor Genes, Hypertension, and Obstructive Sleep Apnea: The Skaraborg Sleep Study

Table 1

PCR and digestion conditions for genotyping of the the -, -, and the -adrenergic receptor gene polymorphisms.

PCR conditionsRFLPGel‡‡
Gene/polymorphismForward (sense) primer sequence
N successfully genotypedReverse (antisense) primer sequenceSize (bp)Annealing T ( )Extension time (s)Mg2+ mmol/LCyclesEnzymeTime (h)%

338 A2BAR
I/D 301–303 -AGGGTGTTTGTGGGGCATCT112/10372301.5333
337* B1AR
Ser49Gly -CCGGGCTTCTGGGGTGTTCC56264301.535EcoO109I32
338 B2AR
Arg16Gly -CGCCTTCTTGCTGGCACGCAAT**20360301.530BsrDl24.5
Gln27Glu -CCGGACCACGACGTCACCCAG***16960301.530BstNl24.5

A2BAR: -adrenergic receptor gene; B1AR: -adrenergic receptor; B2AR: -adrenergic receptor; Ag: agarose; bp: base pair.
*The genotyping failed in one individual.
**The underlined nucleotide is a mismatch to create a BsrDl recognition site in case of the Gly16-allele.
***The underlined nucleotide is a mismatch to create a BstNl recognition site in case of the Glu27-allele.
‡‡The PCR products were separated on a multipurpose agarose gel (Ag) with ethidium bromide and visualised with UV-light.