Research Article

TRC120038, a Novel Dual AT1/ETA Receptor Blocker for Control of Hypertension, Diabetic Nephropathy, and Cardiomyopathy in ob-ZSF1 Rats

Figure 7

(a) Kidney from vehicle-treated ob-ZSF1 rat, showing more number of dilated tubules (red arrow), tubules with hyaline cast (blue arrow), sclerosed glomeruli (white arrow), and interstitial inflammation (yellow arrow). PAS staining, 40x (b) Kidney from TRC120038. (c) Candesartan-treated ob-ZSF1 rat, showing normal tubules and glomeruli (white arrow), reduced number of dilated tubules (red arrow), and tubules with cast (blue arrow). PAS staining, 40x.
(a) Control
(b) TRC120038
(c) Candesartan