Review Article

A Proposed Middle-Range Theory of Nursing in Hypertension Care

Table 1

Searches made in the different data bases during the years. The searches in 2001 started from the year of the start of the respective database.

2001 2005 2014
Database (covering years)Number of relevant findingsDatabase (covering years)Number of relevant new findingsDatabase (covering years)Number of relevant new findings

PubMed (1966–2001)520PubMed (2002–2005)15PubMed (2006–2014)4
Cinahl (1982–2001)326Cinahl (2002–2005)11Cinahl (2006–2014)4
PsycINFO (1967–2001)298PsycINFO (2002–2005)15PsycINFO (2006–2014)2
SocSci (1986–2001)147SocSci (2002–2005)3SocSci (2006–2014)2
Eric (1966–2001)0Eric (2002–2005)0Eric (2006–2014)0