Research Article

Brief Report: Exercise and Blood Pressure in Older Adults—An Updated Look

Table 1

Summary of change outcome differences for resting systolic and diastolic blood pressure using the IVhet model.

VariableES(n) (95% CI)pQ(p)I2 (95% CI)

(i) SBP (mmHg)25-4.7 (-7.7, -1.8)0.001110.0 (<0.001)78.2 (68.3, 85.0)
(ii) DBP (mmHg)26-2.0 (-3.1, -0.9)<0.00164.5 (<0.001)61.2 (40.6, 74.7)
(i) SBP (mmHg)13-7.0 (-10.5, -3.4)<0.00140.9 (<0.001)70.7 (48.3, 83.3)
(ii) DBP (mmHg)13-1.2 (-2.7, 0.3)0.1226.0 (0.01)53.9 (13.7, 75.4)
(i) SBP (mmHg)13-5.5 (-8.3, -2.7)<0.00144.9 (<0.001)73.3 (53.5, 84.6)
(ii) DBP (mmHg)13-3.7 (-4.8, -2.7)<0.00121.3 (0.05)43.8 (0, 70.6)

Notes: results based on the change outcome differences between exercise and control groups; SBP, systolic blood pressure; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; Both represents those who participated in a combined program of aerobic and resistance training; ES(n), number of effect sizes; (95% CI), mean and 95% confidence interval; p, alpha value for changes in blood pressure; Q(p), Cochran’s Q statistic for heterogeneity and alpha value for Q; I2 (95% CI), inconsistency statistic and 95% confidence interval; , statistically significant at an alpha value of 0.05; , statistically significant at an alpha value of 0.10.