Research Article

Hypertension Is an Independent Predictor of Multivessel Coronary Artery Disease in Young Adults with Acute Coronary Syndrome

Table 1

Clinical characteristics.


Age (years)41 (37-43)40 (38-44)42 (40-45)
Gender (M/F)36/083/0104/0
BMI (kg/m2)26.8±4.826.2±3.527.8±3.6
Baseline SBP (mmHg)131.5±14.2127.0±20.1128.6±19.4
Baseline DBP (mmHg)81.6±9.078.9±13.580.3±15.1
HR (beats/min)70.6±15.470.7±12.972.0±14.4
Hypertension 11 (30.6)32 (38.6)75 (72.1)
 Duration (years)5.7±3.84.8±4.56.9±5.4
 Family history 6 (16.9)11 (13.3)21 (20.2)
Smoking 19 (52.8)64 (77.1)68 (65.4)
 Duration (year)16.5±7.917.9±6.618.9±7.9
 Consumption (cigarettes/day)19.7±12.722.3±10.524.9±13.3
Alcohol use 6 (16.7)14 (16.9)13 (12.5)
 Duration (year)12.5 (10-20)20 (17.5-20)20 (10-20)
 Consumption (g/day)64 (20-103)75 (27-150)20 (20-75)
Family history of premature CAD 5 (13.9)15 (18.1)29 (27.9)
Diabetes mellitus 000
Hyperlipidemia 03 (3.6)3 (2.9)
 LVEF (%)62.6±2.759.7±6.758.2±6.4
 Regional wall motion abnormality 041 (49.4)53 (52.0)

p<0.05 vs. no-CAD group; p<0.05 vs. SVD group. ACS: acute coronary syndrome; BMI: body mass index; CAD: coronary artery disease; DBP: diastolic blood pressure; LVEF: left ventricular ejection fraction; MVD: multivessel coronary artery disease; SBP: systolic blood pressure; SVD: single-vessel disease.