Research Article

Early- and Late-Onset Preeclampsia: A Comprehensive Cohort Study of Laboratory and Clinical Findings according to the New ISHHP Criteria

Table 5

Adverse conditions and severe complications in women with early-onset and late-onset preeclampsia.

Organ system affectedEOP (n = 113)LOP (n = 101)
Adverse conditionsSevere complicationsAdverse conditionsSevere complicationsAdverse conditionsSevere complications

CNS, n (%)3 (2.6)17 (15.0)1 (1.0)7 (7.0)nsns
Cardiorespiratory, n (%)2 (1.7)34 (30.0)1 (1.0)2 (2.0)ns<0.0001
Hematological, n (%)37 (32.7)24 (21.2)29 (29.0)9 (9.0)ns0.0127
Renal, n (%)15 (13.2)2 (1.7)8 (8.0)1 (1.0)nsns
Hepatic, n (%)15 (13.2)0 (0.0)8 (8.0)0 (0.0)nsns
Fetoplacental, n (%)87 (77.0)21 (18.5)42 (42.0)3 (3.0)<0.00010.0003

CNS, central nervous system; EOP, early-onset preeclampsia; LOP, late-onset preeclampsia; ns, nonstatistically significant.