Research Article

Role of Socioeconomic Status in Hypertension among Chinese Middle-Aged and Elderly Individuals

Table 2

Logistic regression analyses of factors affecting hypertension prevalence.

FactorsOR95% CI value

Age (control, 45∼) (years)
Gender (control, male)0.7650.595–0.9860.038
Residence (control, urban)0.8510.609–1.1900.345
Education level (control, illiteracy)
 Primary school0.9110.685–1.2130.525
 Junior high school0.7450.543–1.0220.068
 Senior high school0.7010.442–1.1120.131
 University or higher0.7600.292–1.9820.575
Income (control, lowest)
Working status (control, working)
Medical insurance (control, no)
BMI (control, normal)
Diabetes (control, no)
Exercise scoring (control, low intensity)
 High intensity0.8100.634–1.0370.094
Smoking (control, no)0.8100.579–1.1330.218
Depression (control, no)1.2310.971–1.5610.086
Social support (control, lowest)
Social participation (control, no)

Significant differences are in bold.