Research Article

The Additive Interaction between Body Mass Index and Hypertension Family History in Han and Yugur: The China National Health Survey (CNHS)

Table 2

Associations of BMI with hypertension per category of FHH and associations of FHH with hypertension per category of BMI in Han and Yugur people in China.

OR (95% CI)POR (95% CI)P

The association of BMI and hypertension per category of FHH
 Normal weight1.001.00
 Overweight2.70 (2.08, 3.52)<0.00013.20 (1.92, 5.42)<0.0001
 Obesity4.33 (2.89, 6.47)<0.00018.55 (4.65, 16.10)<0.0001
 Normal weight1.001.00
 Overweight2.22 (1.80, 2.75)<0.00011.91 (1.36, 2.70)0.0002
 Obesity3.76 (2.73, 5.19)<0.00015.04 (3.42, 7.50)<0.0001
The association of FHH and hypertension per category of BMI
Normal weight
 FHH(+)3.84 (2.94, 5.04)<0.00012.72 (1.73, 4.38)<0.0001
 FHH(+)2.69 (2.12, 3.43)<0.00011.93 (1.26, 2.99)0.0028
 FHH(+)2.90 (1.81, 4.73)<0.00011.76 (1.00, 3.12)0.0525

Models were adjusted for age, gender, current residence, educational level, smoking status, alcohol consumption, and physical activity.
BMI: body mass index, FHH: family history of hypertension.