Research Article

Gender-Specific Longitudinal Association of Sleep Duration with Blood Pressure among Children: Evidence from CHNS 2004–2015

Table 1

Sample characteristics (mean (SD) or n (percentage)) over survey years from 2004 to 2015.

2004 (n = 374)2006 (n = 566)2009 (n = 530)2011 (n = 522)2015 (n = 209)Time trend ()

Participants’ personal characteristics
Age (years)9.05 (1.47)9.92 (1.95)10.12 (1.90)9.84 (2.07)11.82 (0.82)<0.001
 Boy196 (52.4)305 (54.7)296 (55.8)278 (53.3)107 (51.2)0.739
 Girl178 (47.6)252 (45.3)234 (44.2)244 (46.7)102 (48.8)
 Waist circumference57.41 (6.90)58.47 (8.12)60.64 (10.04)60.67 (11.21)65.42 (12.36)<0.001
 BMI z score−0.08 (0.82)−0.02 (0.93)−0.04 (0.96)0.05 (1.09)0.20 (1.24)0.099
Physical activities frequency per week (times)
 <3156 (47.4)166 (28.8)103 (26.0)110 (29.1)124 (42.1)<0.001
 3–7136 (41.3)158 (42.1)184 (46.5)183 (48.4)72 (40.4)
 ≥837 (11.2)109 (29.1)109 (27.5)85 (22.5)31 (17.4)
Screen time per day (hours)
 <1123 (35.8)155 (29.6)125 (24.1)206 (24.0)55 (28.5)<0.001
 1-2134 (39.0)187 (35.7)196 (37.8)202 (40.1)54 (28.0)
 ≥387 (25.3)182 (34.7)197 (38.0)181 (30.9)84 (43.5)
Family and community information
Parents’ hypertension history
 Yes9 (2.6)13 (2.5)24 (5.0)24 (5.6)14 (8.0)0.006
 No342 (97.4)499 (97.5)459 (95.0)425 (94.4)161 (92.0)
Per capita house income (yuan)
 Tertiles 1165 (44.6)356 (43.0)147 (28.2)187 (24.4)42 (23.3)<0.001
 Tertiles 2131 (35.4)207 (38.1)192 (36.9)167 (32.6)69 (20.8)
 Tertiles 371 (20.0)103 (18.9)182 (34.9)220 (43.0)122 (58.9)
Urbanization index
 Tertiles 1122 (32.6)203 (36.5)201 (37.9)197 (37.7)84 (40.2)0.711
 Tertiles 2138 (36.9)186 (33.5)175 (33.0)169 (32.4)71 (34.0)
 Tertiles 3114 (30.5)167 (30.0)154 (29.1)156 (29.9)54 (25.8)
 Central90 (24.1)131 (23.6)134 (25.3)128 (24.5)66 (20.1)<0.001
 East coast61 (16.3)95 (17.1)98 (18.5)106 (20.3)59 (28.2)
 Northeastern98 (26.2)120 (21.6)73 (13.8)52 (10.0)18 (9.0)
 Western125 (33.4)210 (37.8)225 (42.5)236 (45.2)90 (41.0)
Sleep duration and blood pressure
Sleep duration (hours)9.30 (0.92)9.13 (0.90)9.13 (0.95)9.13 (0.90)8.58 (0.93)<0.001
Sleep duration (hours)
 <971 (19.0)136 (24.5)135 (25.5)128 (24.5)117 (56.0)<0.001
 ≥9303 (81.0)420 (75.5)395 (74.5)394 (75.5)92 (44.0)
 SBP (mmHg)93.48 (12.38)93.80 (12.03)97.50 (12.93)96.42 (11.67)102.24 (12.59)<0.001
 DBP (mmHg)61.79 (9.66)62.04 (8.48)65.35 (9.17)63.12 (8.95)66.14 (9.30)<0.001
Elevated BP
 Yes52 (13.9)53 (9.5)95 (17.9)66 (12.6)32 (15.3)0.002
 No322 (86.1)503 (90.5)435 (82.1)456 (87.4)177 (84.7)

BMI: body mass index; SBP: systolic blood pressure; DBP: diastolic blood pressure; BP: blood pressure.