Research Article

Behavioural Risk Factors, Hypertension Knowledge, and Hypertension in Rural India

Table 3

Chi square shows distribution of risk factors in association with hypertension status.

Risk factorsHypertensive, 64 (n %)Nonhypertensive, 199 (n %)Totaldf

Current smokers5 (7.8)27 (13.5)32 (12.1)10.22
Nonsmokers59 (92.1)172 (86.4)231 (88.4)

Smokeless tobacco
Smokeless tobacco users27 (42.1)73 (36.6)100 (38)10.43
Smokeless tobacco nonusers37 (57.8)126 (63.3)163 (61.9)

Alcohol consumption
Current alcohol consumers11 (17.1)31 (15.5)42 (15.9)10.76
Nonconsumers53 (82.8)168 (84.4)220 (83.6)

Fruit and vegetable consumption
>5 servings of fruit and vegetable consumption/day3 (4.6)3 (1.5)6 (2.2)10.157
<5 servings of fruit and vegetable consumption/day61 (95.3)196 (98.4)257 (97.7)

Physical activity
Less than the recommended level by the WHO (600 MET-minutes/week)26 (40.6)60 (30.1)86 (32.6)10.12
More than the recommended level by the WHO (600 MET-minutes/week)38 (59.3)139 (69.8)177 (67.3)

Underweight9 (14)40 (20.1)49 (18.6)30.08
Normal33 (51.5)120 (60.3)153 (58.9)
Overweight18 (28.1)29 (14.5)47 (17.8)
Obese4 (6)10 (5)14 (5.3)