Research Article

Prevalence and Risk Factors of Hypertension, Diabetes, and Dyslipidemia among Adults in Northwest China

Table 1

Values of variables in multivariate logistic regression model.


Sex0 = female; 1 = male
Residency0 = urban areas; 1 = rural areas
Age (year)0 = 18–44 years old; 1 = 45–59 years old; 2 = 60 years old or above
Ethnicity0 = others; 1 = Han
Education level0 = primary school or below; 1 = middle school; 2 = college or above
Marital status0 = separated/divorced/widowed; 1 = single; 2 = married or cohabit
Occupation0 = others; 1 = farmers
Family income (RMB)0 = <5000; 1 = 5000–9999; 2 = 10000–19999; 3 =≥20000
Cigarette smoking0 = never; 1 = daily smoking; 2 = non-daily smoking; 3 = ex-smoking
Alcohol drinking0 = never; 1 = drinking in the past 12 month; 2 = drinking in the past 1 month
Daily consumption of vegetables and fruits (g)0 = <400, 1 = >400
Daily salt intake (g)0 = <6, 1 =>6
Daily red meat intake (g)0 = <100, 1=>100
BMI groups0 = normal body weight; 1 = underweight; 2 = overweight; 3 = obesity
Central obesity0 = no; 1 = yes
Hypertension0 = no; 1 = yes
Diabetes0 = no; 1 = yes
Dyslipidemia0 = no; 1 = yes