Research Article

Nonadherence to Self-Care Practices, Antihypertensive Medications, and Associated Factors among Hypertensive Patients in a Follow-up Clinic at Asella Referral and Teaching Hospital, Ethiopia: A Cross-Sectional Study

Table 6

Adherence to moderation of alcohol consumption among hypertensive patients in a follow-up clinic of Asella Referral and Teaching Hospital, Asella Town, Arsi Zone, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia, 2020 (nā€‰=ā€‰115).

VariablesNever<1 monthMonthlyWeeklyDaily

How often do you have 8 drinks (men)/6 drinks (women) or more on occasion?98 (85.2%)8 (7.0%)4 (3.5%)4 (3.5%)1 (0.9%)
How often in the last year have you not been able to remember what happened when drinking the night before?112 (97.4%)2 (1.7%)0 (0)1 (0.9%)0 (0)
Has a relative/friend/doctor/health worker been concerned about your drinking or advised you to cut down on your drinking?Yes97 (84.3%)
No18 (15.7%)