Research Article

Individual and Obstetric Risk Factors of Preeclampsia among Singleton Pregnancy in Hospitals of Southern Ethiopia

Table 3

Obstetric-related characteristics of women enrolled for a case-control study on factors of preeclampsia among pregnant women in Omo district hospitals, southern Ethiopia. The identified factors of preeclampsia.

VariableOutcome variableX2Crude odds ratio (95% CI) value
Preeclampsia, n (%)Controls, n (%)

Fetal sex
 Male87 (55.8%)177 (54.3%)0.101.06 (0.72–1.56)0.76
 Female69 (44.2%)149 (45.7%)Ref

 Nulliparous58 (37.2%)100 (30.7%)2.531.84 (0.69–4.86)0.22
 Primiparous32 (20.5%)74 (22.7%)1.37 (0.50–3.75)0.54
 Multiparous60 (38.5%)133 (40.8%)1.43 (0.54–3.76)0.47
 Grandmultiparous6 (3.8%)19 (5.8%)Ref

Pregnancy interval
 No prior childbirth59 (37.8%)107 (32.8%)3.731.41 (0.92–2.16)0.12
 Less than 2 years32 (20.5%)53 (16.3%)1.54 (0.91–2.60)0.11
 Two to five years65 (41.7%)166 (50.9%)Ref

Pregnancy from new partner
 Yes33 (21.2%)63 (19.3%)0.221.12 (0.70–1.80)0.64
 No123 (78.8%)263 (80.7%)Ref

ANC follow-up status
 Yes106 (67.9%)212 (65.0%)0.401.14 (0.76–1.71)
 No50 (32.1%)114 (35.0%)Ref0.53

Nutritional counselling
 Yes138 (88.5%)304 (93.3%)3.20.56 (0.29–1.07)0.07
 No18 (11.5%)22 (6.7%)Ref