Research Article

Association of the Risk of Osteoarthritis and Hypertension in the Korean Adult Population Aged 40–59 in Pre- and Postmenopausal Women: Using Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2012–2016 Data

Table 2

Characteristics of the premenopausal and menopausal groups according to the osteoarthritis status.

CharacteristicsTotal nNon-OA (n = 4,148) valueTotal nOA (n = 479) value
PreMp (n = 2,289)
n (%)
Mp (n = 1,859)
n (%)
PreMp (n = 104)
n (%)
Mp (n = 375)
n (%)

Age (years)40–4921411943 (84.9)198 (10.7)<0.0017765 (62.5)12 (3.2)<0.001
50–592007346 (15.1)1661 (89.3)40239 (37.5)363 (96.8)

SmokingSmoking208116 (5.1)92 (5.0)0.042298 (7.8)21 (5.6)0.705
Past14293 (4.1)49 (2.6)266 (5.8)20 (5.4)
Nonsmoking37812072 (90.8)1709 (92.4)42189 (86.4)332 (89.0.)

Alcohol consumptionNo538232 (10.2)306 (16.5)<0.001658 (7.8)57 (15.3)0.040
<1/ma1772934 (40.9)838 (45.3)21543 (41.7)172 (46.1)
>1/ma18231116 (48.9)707 (38.2)19652 (50.5)144 (38.6)

HTNNo36042129 (93.0)1475 (79.3)<0.00135085 (81.7)265 (70.7)0.015
Yes544160 (7.0)384 (20.7)12919 (18.3)110 (29.3)

BMI (Kg/m2)Low (<18.5)13893 (4.1)45 (2.4)0.00483 (2.9)5 (1.3)0.217
Normal (18.5 to <25)28841602 (70.0)1282 (69.1)24258 (55.8)184 (49.1)
Obesity (≥25)1119592 (25.9)527 (28.4)22943 (41.3)186 (49.6)

ClinicalMean (SD)Mean (SD)Mean (SD)Mean (SD)
Age414845.4 (3.9)54.1 (3.6)<0.00147948.1 (3.9)55.5 (2.8)<0.001
EQ-5D41461.0 (0.1)1.0 (0.1)<0.0014790.9 (0.1)0.9 (0.1)0.482
SBP (mmHg)4140111.9 (14.8)118.0 (16.6)<0.001478114.8 (14.0)120.6 (17.6)0.002
DBP (mmHg)414074.3 (9.7)76.2 (9.6)<0.00147875.6 (9.7)77.5 (10.2)0.088
FBS (mg/dL)398196.0 (18.8)100.0 (24.5)<0.00145397.2 (20.9)102.1 (29.0)0.117
TG (mg/dL)3982109.0 (77.0)130.7 (106.0)<0.001453125.8 (91.0)136.8 (87.6)0.274
Chol (mg/dL)3982191.2 (32.5)204.3 (36.5)<0.001453197.6 (37.1)206.2 (38.7)0.046
HDL-C (mg/dL)398255.4 (12.5)53.7(12.3)<0.00145355.1 (13.2)53.4(13.5)0.250
AST (IU/L)398219.4 (9.4)23.0 (10.4)<0.00145320.9 (6.9)23.6 (17.9)0.143
ALT (IU/L)398216.9 (15.0)21.1 (14.1)<0.00145319.6 (11.6)21.7 (16.9)0.226
CREA (mg/dL)39760.7 (0.1)0.7 (0.2)0.1854520.7 (0.1)0.7 (0.1)0.380

OA: osteoarthritis; Mp: menopause; HTN: hypertension; SD: standard deviation; EQ-5D: euro quality of life-5 dimensions; SBP: systolic blood pressure; DBP: diastolic blood pressure; FBS: fasting blood sugar; TG: triglyceride; Chol: cholesterol; HDL-C: high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; AST: aspartate aminotransferase; ALT: alanine aminotransferase; CREA: creatinine. a1/m = 1 glass per month.