Research Article

Emergent Anthropometric Indices in Differential Prediction of Prehypertension and Hypertension in Mexican Population: Results according to Age and Sex

Table 2

Predictive value of the emergent anthropometric indices to preHTN and HTN in the total sample.

VariablesPreHTN (AUC, 95% CI)VariablesHTN (AUC, 95% CI)

AVI (L)0.645 (0.640–0.651)CI (UA)0.692 (0.686–0.698)
wBMI (kg/m)0.641 (0.635–0.646)ABSI (m11/6 kg−2/3)0.687 (0.681–0.693)
BRI0.634 (0.628–0.639)BRI0.656 (0.650–0.662)
CI (UA)0.616 (0.611–0.622)WHHR (m−1)0.653 (0.647–0.660)
PI0.611 (0.605–0.616)W/Ht2 (cm/m2)0.648 (0.641–0.654)
W/Ht2 (cm/m2)0.607 (0.602–0.613)W/Ht3 (cm/m3)0.634 (0.628–0.641)
WHHR (m−1)0.600 (0.595–0.606)AVI (L)0.630 (0.624–0.636)
ABSI (m11/6 kg−2/3)0.589 (0.583–0.595)AWI (cm)0.615 (0.608–0.621)
W/Ht3 (cm/m3)0.585 (0.579–0.591)WWrI (cm)0.602 (0.596–0.608)
WWrI (cm)0.582 (0.577–0.588)BAI0.597 (0.591–0.603)
BFDI (m)0.579 (0.573–0.585)BFDI (m)0.594 (0.588–0.601)
BAI0.568 (0.563–0.574)wBMI (kg/m)0.588 (0.582–0.594)
PMI0.559 (0.554–0.565)PI0.584 (0.577–0.590)
AWI (cm)0.551 (0.545–0.557)PMI0.513 (0.506–0.519)
HWrI (cm)0.496 (0.490–0.502)HWrI (cm)0.499 (0.493–0.506)

ABSI, a body shape index; AVI, abdominal volume index; AWI, arm-waist index; BAI, body adiposity index; BFDI, body fat distribution index; BRI, body roundness index; CI, conicity index; Ht3/W3, height cubic to waist cubic; HWrI, hip-wrist index; PI, ponderal index; PMI, pulse mass index; wBMI, waist corrected BMI; WWrI, waist-wrist index; WHHR, waist to hip to height ratio; W/Ht2, waist to height square; W/Ht3, waist to height cubic. Data shown are the receiver operating characteristic distribution of the areas under curves considering the criterion variables prehypertension (SBP: 120–139 mmHg/DBP: 80–89 mmHg) and hypertension (SBP: ≥140 mmHg/DBP: ≥90 mmHg). Adjusted by age. value ≤0.01.