Research Article

The Magnitude of Salt Intake Behaviors and Its Predictors among Saqez Urban Population of Kurdistan District in Iran: A Cross-Sectional Study

Table 1

Participants’ characteristics.

ManWomanAll value

Age (year)28.33 (44.9)66.32 (55.9)83.32 (52.9)0.432a

 Employed203 (98.5)172 (30.8)375 (49.1)
 Unemployed3 (1.5)386 (69.2)389 (50.9)

Education (year)0.230b
 12 and above142 (68.9)357 (64)499 (65.3)
 Under 1264 (31.1)201 (36)265 (34.7)

FAS (item)c0.016b
 Low (0–17)114( 23.7)368 (76.3)482 (63.3)
 Medium (18–28)90 (33.3)180 (66.7)270 (35.5)
 High (29 and above)2 (22.2)7 (77.8)9 (1.2)

Weight (kgr)0.001a
 M(SD)d81.87 (48.17)69.51 (11.73)72.83 (27.44)

Waist (cm)0.562a
 M(SD)d88.70 (15.29)88.10 (11.31)88.26 (12.49)0.562

Waist category
 Lowe188 (91.3)264 (47.3)452 (59.2)0.001a
 Highf(8.7) 18(52.7) 294312 (40.8)

BMI (weightkgr/height cm2)
 M(SD)d26.17 (3.85)26.94 (4.10)26.74 (4/04)0.018a
 Underweight < 18.58 (61.53)5 (38.46)13 (1.7)0.025
 18.5–24.971 (28.17)181 (71.82)252 (32.9)
 25–29.997 (26/35)270 (73.36)368 (48)

Blood pressure (mmHg)
 M(SD)d115.78 (12.28)110.64 (43.99)110/65(12.02)0.441a

Systolic/diastolic pressure category N(%)0.001a
 Under 140/90201 (97.6)547 (98.0)748 (97.9)
 140/90 and above5 (2.4)11 (2.0)16 (2.1)

a value based on t-test. bvalue based on chi square test by exact procedure. cFAS, family affluence scale. dM(SD), mean (standard deviation). eWaist category for women, low <88 (cm), fhigh ≥88 (cm) and above. gmmHg, millimeters of mercury.