Research Article

The Magnitude of Salt Intake Behaviors and Its Predictors among Saqez Urban Population of Kurdistan District in Iran: A Cross-Sectional Study

Table 2

Distribution of frequency and percent of participants’ knowledge according to sex.

Man, N = 206 (27%)Woman, N = 558 (73%)All, N = 766 (100%)value

Specific knowledge
 1 tsp equals 5 gr0.001d
 Know51 (26.20)113 (20.80)164 (22.30)

 Recommended salt amount for healthy people0.056d
 Know102 (53.10)252 (47.)345 (48.60)

 Impact of extra salt intake0.236d
 Know185 (96.90)503 (95.40)692 (95.70)

 High salt foods0.454
 Know42 (20.40)110 (19.70)152 (19.90)

General knowledge (score)0.704e
 M(SD)b, min = 0, max = 10028.03 (23.24)28.72 (22.14)28.51 (22.43)

General knowledge0.454d
 Know42 (20.40)110 (19.70)152 (19.90)

Perceived importance of salt reduction
 M(SD)b77.87 (18.86)79.02 (21.85)79.22 (19.29)0.504

a1 tsp = 5 gr, one teaspoon equals 5 grams; bM(SD), mean (standard deviation); d value based on chi square; ep-value based on independent t-test.