Research Article

The Magnitude of Salt Intake Behaviors and Its Predictors among Saqez Urban Population of Kurdistan District in Iran: A Cross-Sectional Study

Table 3

Distribution of frequency and percentage of participants’ perception of social support, self-efficacy, and salt intake behavior according to sex.

Man, M(SD)aWoman, M(SD)aAll, M(SD)a valueb

Perceived emotional support
 Health staff66.07 (25.08)67.59 (25.23)67.18 (25.18)0.464
 Spouse50.27 (25.56)49.95 (25.99)50.03 (25.86)0.880
 Media39.96 (26.12)47.56 (26.62)45.51 (26.68)<0.001
 Friend31.34 (27.51)35.07 (25.52)34.06 (26.11)0.082

Perceived practical support
 Health staff58.62 (22.89)57.50 (25.08)57.81 (24.50)0.580
 Spouse51.75 (22.25)49.39 (21.96)50.03 (22.05)0.197
 Media42.49 (25.32)47.92(24.78)46.45 (25.03)0.008
 Friend35.16 (26.28)38.75 (26.10)37.78 (26.18)0.095

Self-efficacy65.37 (17.83)64.98 (16.18)65.09 (16.63)0.778

Intent to reduce salt79.96 (19.38)78.94 (19.28)79.22 (19.29)0.525

Salt intake control methods64.63 (12.40)65.49 (13.27)65.25 (13.04)0.422

N (%)178 (87.70)437 (88.90)665 (88.50)0.368

Salt intake behavior

Adding salt during cooking0.201
 Adding more than 1 tsp117 (57.10)333 (60.80)450 (59.80)
 Adding 1 tsp or lessc88 (42.90)215 (39.20)303 (40.20)

Adding salt during eating0.157
 Adding more than 1 tsp salt20 (10.10)70 (13.2)90 (12.40)
 Adding 1 tsp or lessc178 (89.90)460 (86.80)638 (87.60)

aM(SD), mean (standard deviation); b value based on t-test; c1 tsp, one teaspoon.