Research Article

The Magnitude of Salt Intake Behaviors and Its Predictors among Saqez Urban Population of Kurdistan District in Iran: A Cross-Sectional Study

Table 4

Result of multivariate logistic regression analysis for control salt methods as a dependent variable (optimal or desirable behaviors = 1).

ORa95% CIb


Age (year)1.0190.99–1.050.236

SESe (item)
 Low (0–17)Ref.d
 Medium (18–28)1.370.754–2.470.303
 High (29 and above)0.460.047–4.550.508

Blood pressure

General knowledge
 Do not knowRef.d

Intent to reduce salt intake (score)

Perceived importance of salt reduction (score)

Perceived emotional support (score)
 Health staff1.021.01–1.040.005

Perceived practical support (score)
 Health staff0.99

Self-efficacy (score)

Results: Hosmer and Lemeshow test: chi square (8) = 10.64; value = 0.223; accuracy = 91.1%; aOR, odds ratio; b95% CI, 95% confidence interval; c value, dreferent group; eSES, socioeconomic status based on family affluence items; f<, under 140/90; g≥, equal and above.