Research Article

Exercise-Induced Excessive Blood Pressure Elevation Is Associated with Cardiac Dysfunction in Male Patients with Essential Hypertension

Table 6

Binary logistic regression analysis of EH-ATP in hypertensive patients during exercise.

OR95% CI value

Model 1
 Peak DBP increase (mmHg)1.071.01–1.140.02
 VO2 (peak) (L/min)1.770.02–158.390.80
 VO2/kg (peak) (ml/kg)0.990.73–1.330.92
 VO2/HR (peak) (ml/beat)0.540.26–1.120.10
Model 2
 Peak DBP increase (mmHg)1.051.01–1.100.02
 WR (AT) (watt)0.980.94–1.020.25
 WR (peak) (watt)0.980.95–1.010.25
Model 3
 Peak DBP increase (mmHg)1.061.01–1.120.03
 △VO2/△WR (ml/watt)0.570.37–0.880.01
 (AT to peak)

DBP: diastolic blood pressure, VO2 (peak): oxygen consumption per minute at peak, VO2/kg (peak): oxygen consumption per kilogram of body weight per minute at peak, VO2/HR (peak): oxygen pulse at peak, WR (AT): work rate at anaerobic threshold, WR (peak): work rate at peak, and △VO2/△WR (AT to peak): oxygen consumption increment per unit work rate from AT to peak. ; .