Review Article

Carbohydrate Elimination or Adaptation Diet for Symptoms of Intestinal Discomfort in IBD: Rationales for “Gibsons’ Conundrum”

Table 2

Some immunoregulatory functions of butyrate.

(i) Increases choline acetyltransferase immunoreactive (ChAT-IR) enteric neurons in vivo and in vitro
(ii) Increases cholinergic-mediated colonic motility and contractile response ex vivo

(i) Modulates oxidative stress in healthy colonic mucosa
(ii) Promotes glutathione (GSH) and lower uric acid concentrations compared

(i) Promotes the differential expression of 500 genes in human colonic mucosa
(ii) Increases gene expression of transcriptional regulation pathways: fatty acid oxidation, electron transport chain, and oxidative stress
(iii) Increases gene expression related to epithelial integrity and apoptosis

(i) Influences colonic function, mainly by histone deacetylase inhibition[75, 76]

(i) Reduces inflammatory responses in vitro, mainly by inhibition of NF-κB activation[77]

(i) Mediates NOD2-dependent mucosal immune responses against PGN[78]

(i) Modulates an intracellular JAK/STAT1 signaling cascade which inhibits NO production[79]

(i) Enhances upregulation/detection of PRRs on intestinal epithelial cells[8083]

(i) Anticarcinogenic/angiogenic by modulating the activity of several key regulators involved in apoptosis and cell differentiation[8486]

(i) Enhances colonic defense barrier[8789]