Research Article

Neurotensin Decreases the Proinflammatory Status of Human Skin Fibroblasts and Increases Epidermal Growth Factor Expression

Figure 1

Neurotensin receptor mRNA and protein expression. Cells were maintained in medium (A, B) or treated with 1 μg/mL of LPS for 6 h (C), at 37°C, with 5% CO2. Total RNA was isolated and retrotranscribed as indicated in Section 2. The mRNA levels were assessed by quantitative real-time RT-PCR. Gene expression is indicated as genes studied/10,000 molecules of the reference gene HPRT1 (A) or mean log2 values of fold changes relative to the control (C). Each value represents the mean ± SD from three independent experiments (; Kruskall-Wallis test followed by Dunn’s multiple comparison posttest). Cells extracts from untreated BJ cells (BJ) and from the murine cortical cortex (CC) were subjected to Western blot analysis (B) using NTR1, NTR2, and NTR3 antibodies, with normalization to β-actin. The blot shown is representative of 3 independent experiments yielding similar results.