Research Article

Carbon Black Particle Exhibits Size Dependent Toxicity in Human Monocytes

Figure 7

Effects of carbon particles (nano and micro) on mRNA levels of COX-2 and MCP-1 gene. THP-1 cells were exposed to carbon particles at their TC-50 concentration (nano carbon: 591.4 μg/mL and micro carbon 687.1 μg/mL). (a) COX-2 and MCP-1 gene expression on agarose gel. Gene expressions are analyzed by densitometric analysis using Image J software. Results are also expressed as a fold change over the control group. (b) Densitometric bar diagram of COX-2 gene. (c) Densitometric bar diagram of MCP-1 gene. Statistically significant differences were assessed as compared to the controls ( and ). indicates significant difference between the particle size.