Research Article

Cytotoxic Activity and Lymphocyte Subtypes in Mice Selected for Maximal and Minimal Inflammatory Response after Transplantation of B16F10 and S91 Melanoma Cells

Figure 3

Percentage of the number of cytokine-producing spleen cells. AIR mice lineage were subcutaneously inoculated with melanoma cells (B16F10 or S91), and after 14 days, the numbers of IL-2-, IL-6-, IL-10-, IL-12-, TNF-α-, and IFN-γ-producing spleen cells were evaluated by the ELISpot assay. Values are expressed as mean spots/2 × 106cel ± SD (n = 13). Lowercase letters indicate comparison of cytokine-producing spleen cells percentage within the same AIR mouse line (a > b,  < 0.05); capital letters indicate a comparison between AIRmax and AIRmin (A > B,  < 0.05).