Research Article

Cytotoxic Activity and Lymphocyte Subtypes in Mice Selected for Maximal and Minimal Inflammatory Response after Transplantation of B16F10 and S91 Melanoma Cells

Table 1

Incidence of primary B16F10 and S91 tumor growth in AIRmax and AIRmin mice.

Mice lineageTumoral lineage
B16F10 melanomaS91 melanoma
7 days14 days30 days7 days14 days30 days

AIRmax0%a`62.5%b` (5/8)50% (4/8)0%61.53%# (8/13)58.3%# (7/12)
AIRmin0%12.5%a (1/8)25%a (2/8)0%50%b (4/8)36.3% (4/11)

Tumor diameter <1 mm. A < b ( ≤ 0.006); a`< b` ( = 0.02); # ≤ 0.01 (compared to 7 days after implantation in the same AIR mouse lineage).