Research Article

Comprehensive and Rapid Real-Time PCR Analysis of 21 Foodborne Outbreaks

Table 1

Bacterial strains assayed by SYBR Green I PCR

Bacterial strainsSource s e PCR results with each primer set (see Table 2)
eaeJMS1JMS2LTSTaEAST-1aggR-ZvirAStyinvayadA-XPAGPSGABCC ceuEhlyAtdhtrhAHH1FemBces-TMSGGAP

Escherichia coli -EPECO55(eaeA)EC-273 6 b +
E. coli -EPEC O153 (eaeA and astA)EC-264 9 b ++
E. coli -EHEC O26:H11(Stx1)SE-02005++
E. coli -EHEC O157:H7 (Stx2)SE020025++
E. coli -EHEC O157:H7 (Stx1 and Stx2)SE-02027+++
E. coli -ETEC O148 (LT, ST and astA)EC-351 5 b +++
E. coli -ETEC O169 (ST and astA)EC-472 5 b ++
E. coli- EAEC O111 (aggR and astA)EC-413 1 b ++
E. coli -EIEC O124:HNM (virA)EA3 2 a +
Shigella sonneiI00031+
Salmonella EnteritidisSal-2339+
Yersinia enterocolitica O3/B4Pa241+
Y. pseudotuberculosis O4bSP988+
Providencia alcalifaciensNIID12 4 C +
Plesiomonas shigelloidesNIID12 3 C +
Campylobacter jejuniSC 009+
Campylobacter coliSC 011+
Vibrio cholerae O1ATCC14035+
V. cholerae O139NIID63-9 3 C +
V. cholerae non- O1SVP84+
V. parahaemoliticus O3:K6 (tdh)SVP02+
V. parahaemoliticus O3:K6 (trh)NIIDK 4 C +
Aeromonas hydrophila O1ATCC7966+
Staphylococcus aureusSS 0 5 e +
Emetic Bacillus cereusNo.12 7 e ++
Enterotoxigenic B. cereusNo. 1 e +
Clostridium perfringensH 2 d +

Strain kindly donated by K. Sugiyam a a , Shizuoka Prefectural Institute of Public Health, Shizuoka; J. Yatsuyanag i b , Akita Prefectural Institute of Public Health, Akita; M. Tamura and E. Arakaw a c , f O ther strains except for ATCC numbers are our own collections.