Review Article

Biosynthesis and Role of N-Linked Glycosylation in Cell Surface Structures of Archaea with a Focus on Flagella and S Layers

Table 2

Potential sites for N-glycosylation in selected archaeal proteins.

ProteinLength in amino acids (including signal peptide)Demonstrated glycosylationPotential glycosylation sites (amino acid position)

M. voltae
FlaA219Yes38, 175
FlaB1218Yes38, 71, 77, 115, 136
FlaB2216Yes38, 72, 77, 113, 172, 208
FlaB3239Yes115, 128
S layer581Yes107, 137

M. maripaludis
FlaB1211Yes38, 12, 128, 168
FlaB2216Yes38, 78, 122, 131, 136
FlaB3210Yes150, 175
MMP1685 Pilin74Yes39, 49, 52, 71
MMP0233 Pilin129No63, 87, 94, 108
MMP0236 Pilin132No34, 74, 83, 94, 98, 119, 126
MMP0237 Pilin151No72, 82, 89, 95
S layer575No535

H. volcanii
FlaA1213No70, 115, 128, 134, 162, 172
FlaA220No78, 95, 112, 124
S layer827Yes47, 114, 308, 313, 404, 532, 766

H. salinarium
FlgA1196Yes84, 97, 125
FlgA2194Yes80, 93, 126
FlgB1193Yes80, 93, 123
FlgB2196Yes84, 97, 125
FlgB3193Yes80, 93, 123
S layer852Yes36, 51, 327, 339, 398, 438, 513, 643, 727, 751, 787, 811, 815