Research Article

Diversity, Biocontrol, and Plant Growth Promoting Abilities of Xylem Residing Bacteria from Solanaceous Crops

Figure 1

Biocontrol and plant growth promotion efficacies of select XRB in eggplant. BCE: biocontrol efficacy determined 25 days after challenging with R. solanacearum; GPE: growth promotion efficacy determined 40 days after treatment with XRB. Percent BCE and GPE calculated using formulae BCE = ([percent disease in control] − [percent disease in treatment]/percent disease in control) × 100 and GPE = ([shoot length increase in treatment] − [shoot length increase in control]/shoot length increase in control) × 100, respectively. Uninoculated control had BCE and GPE values of 0.00; XB86, XB169, and XB177 had BCE of 100.00% in all the replications. Bars indicate mean values of % BCE and GPE; error bars indicate standard deviation.