Research Article

Global Phenotypic Characterization of Effects of Fluoroquinolone Resistance Selection on the Metabolic Activities and Drug Susceptibilities of Clostridium perfringens Strains

Table 1

Wild types and fluoroquinolone-resistant mutants of C. perfringens used in this study with stable mutations in gyrA and parC resulting in amino acid conversion.

C. perfringens  
Wild type Norfloxacin-resistantNRCiprofloxacin-resistantCRGatifloxacin-resistantGR

VPI D87Y gyrA, V196F parC D87Y gyrA, D87Y parC G81C gyrA, D93Y and D502Y parC
NCTRD87Y gyrA D87Y gyrA G81C and D87Y gyrA
3626G81C gyrA, D87Y parC D87Y gyrA, D93Y parC G81C and D87Y gyrA, D93Y and A131S parC
13124A119ED87Y gyrA, S89I gyrA G81C and D93Y gyrA, S89I parC