Research Article

Antifungal Activity of Essential Oil of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. against Selected Fusarium spp.

Table 3

Inhibition zone (mm) on test fungi by different concentrations of Eucalyptus camaldulensis essential oil after five days of incubation.

FungiEssential oil concentration (% v/v)Apron star (+ control)

F. solani20.33 ± 1.2022.33 ± 1.2017.43 ± 1.207.31 ± 0.336.006.006.0015.00
F. oxysporum24.67 ± 1.2018.00 ± 1.5313.67 ± 0.3311.67 ± 0.339.00 ± 0.587.33 ± 0.336.0025.33
F. verticillioides 12.67 ± 1.2010.67 ± 0.678.00 ± 1.847.00 ± 0.576.006.006.0031.67
F. proliferatum12.00 ± 0.5813.00 ± 1.5311.67 ± 0.889.33 ± 0.3312.00 ± 0.586.006.0034.33
F. subglutinans15.33 ± 0.8812.33 ± 1.2011.33 ± 0.3310.00 ± 0.589.00 ± 0.586.006.0036.33

Values are mean ± standard error of the mean for bioassay conducted in triplicates. Means followed by the same letter(s) are not significantly different (multivariate analysis, Fisher’s protected LSD at ).