Research Article

Comparison of Serum Potassium, MagnEsium, and Calcium Levels between Kanamycin and Capreomycin-BASEd Regimen-Treated MultiDrug-Resistant TuBerculosis Patients in Bandung (CEASE MDR-TB): A Retrospective Cohort Study

Table 7

Comparison of serum calcium values between the kanamycin-based group and the capreomycin-based group at the initial visit, first month, and second month of treatment.

NCalcium value
Mean ± SD (mg/dL)Min-max (mg/dL)

Initial visitKanamycin334.80 ± 1.043.89–10.330.839
Capreomycin204.74 ± 0.374.26–5.61

First monthKanamycin334.56 ± 0.393.69–5.160.434
Capreomycin204.50 ± 0.234.05–4.94

Second monthKanamycin334.65 ± 0.453.61–5.330.053
Capreomycin204.43 ± 0.353.65–4.98

SD, standard deviation; min, minimum value; max, maximum value; analyzed using the unpaired t-test.