Research Article

Supershed Escherichia coli O157:H7 Has Potential for Increased Persistence on the Rectoanal Junction Squamous Epithelial Cells and Antibiotic Resistance

Figure 2

Representative adherence patterns of SS-O157 strains on RSE cells (a) and HEp-2 cells (b). (a) The “aggregative, moderate” and “aggregative, strong” adherence patterns seen with RSE cells is shown. (b) The “diffuse, moderate” and “nonadherent” adherence patterns seen with HEp-2 cells are shown. The immunofluorescence stained slides are shown at 40x magnification. Bacteria (O157) have green fluorescence, RSE cells’ cytokeratins and HEp-2 cells’ actin filaments have orange-red fluorescence, and the nuclei of both cells have blue fluorescence.