Research Article

Identification and Pathogenicity of Fungal Pathogens Associated with Stem End Rots of Avocado Fruits in Kenya

Figure 3

Characteristics of colony (reverse and front) of pathogenic isolates of SER on PDA. (a) and (b) represent reverse and front of Lasiodiplodia theobromae (GA11); (c) and (d) Neofusicoccum parvum (GA7); (e) and (f) Nectria pseudotrichia (GA13); (g) and (h) Fusarium solani (1GEF8); (i) and (j) Fusarium oxysporum (MS4a); (k) and (l) Fusarium equiseti (1GF17); (m) and (n) Geotricum candidum (GA6).