Research Article

The Improvement of Bioethanol Production by Pentose-Fermenting Yeasts Isolated from Herbal Preparations, the Gut of Dung Beetles, and Marula Wine

Table 3

Effect of acetic acid and temperature on growth of selected yeasts with L-arabinose as carbon source.

YeastsAcetic acid (g/L)aTemperature (°C)b

C. tropicalis Kp42ey135
C. terrestris C11Y30
C. terrestris C12Y30
C. terrestris CW130
C. terrestris CW237
M. caribbica D4WPO1330
M. caribbica D14W2340
M. caribbica D14YE1337
M. caribbica D14YE2337
M. caribbica D14YE6340
M. caribbica D28L3340
M. caribbica D28L4340
M. caribbica Mu 2.2f340
S. stipitis NRRL Y-7124135

a: maximum acetic acid concentration at which the yeast was able to grow; b: maximum temperature where growth still occurred.