Research Article

Adherence to Isoniazid Preventive Therapy among Under-Five Children in Contact with Adult Bacteriologically Confirmed Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients: A Mixed-Method Study

Table 1

Characteristics of index cases of the child contacts by uptake of IPT, 2019.

Index characteristicsIndex cases (N = 94) (%)Index case whose children were administered IPT (N = 73) (%)Index case whose children were not administered IPT (N = 21) (%)

Age group
 18–3054 (57.5)44 (60.3)10 (47.6)
 31–4524 (25.6)17 (23.3)7 (33.3)
 >4515 (15.9)12 (16.4)4 (19.1)
 Male39 (41.5)29 (39.7)10 (47.6)
 Female55 (58.5)44 (60.3)11 (52.4)
 New82 (87.2)64 (87.7)18 (85.6)
 Relapse12 (12.8)9 (12.3)3 (14.4)
 HEW2 (2.1)1 (1.4)1 (4.8)
 PPM15 (16.0)10 (13.7)5 (23.8)
 PHF77 (81.9)62 (84.9)15 (71.4)
HIV result
 Positive14 (14.9)11 (15.1)3 (14.3)
 Negative80 (85.1)62 (84.9)18 (85.7)
Household member
 <348 (51.1)38 (52.1)10 (47.6)
 >346 (48.9)35 (47.9)11 (52.4)

Isoniazid prophylaxis treatment. PHF, directly to the public health facility by themselves. PPM, linked to TB clinic through public private members (NGOS and private clinics). HEW, linked to TB clinic through health extension worker.