Research Article

Prevalence of E. coli ST131 among Uropathogenic E. coli Isolates from Iraqi Patients in Wasit Province, Iraq

Table 1

Components of 50 μl PCR master mix and amplification conditions for detection of UPEC phylogroups.

PCR reactionSterile DW (μl)PrimersDNA (μl)Amplification conditions

Quadruplex378 μl: 1 μl each of
(i) chuA-1b and chuA-2
(ii) yiaA.1b and yiaA.2b
(iii) TspE4C2.1b and TspE4C2.2b
(iv) Acek.f and ArpA.r
5(1) Initial denaturation at 94°C for 4 min
(2) 30 cycles of
(i) Denaturation at 94°C for 5 s
(ii) Annealing at 57°C (group E) or 59°C (quadruplex and group C) for 20 s
(iii) Extension at 72°C for 1 min
(3) Final extension at 72°C for 5 min
Group E414 μl: 1 μl each of
(i) ArpAgpE.f and ArpAgpE.r
(ii) trpBA.f and trpBA.r
Group C414 μl: 1 μl each of
(i) trpAgpC.1 and trpAgpC.2
(ii) trpBA.f and trpBA.r