Research Article

Occurrence and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Profile of Salmonella Isolates from Animal Origin Food Items in Selected Areas of Arsi Zone, Southeastern Ethiopia, 2018/19

Table 4

Multivariable logistic regression analysis of putative risk factors associated with Salmonella occurrence in animal origin food in the selected study areas.

Variables categoryNumber of tested samplesNumber of positive samples N (%)Odds ratio value
COR (95% CI)AOR (95% CI)

Catering establishments0.059
 Hotel144 (28.6)RR
 Restaurant8210 (12.1)3.2 (0.296, 34.588)5.048 (0.274, 93.105)
 Cafeteria873 (3.45)1.1 (0.125, 9.844)4.674 (0.300, 72.868)
 Retail shop91 (11.1)0.286 (0.027, 3.076)0.348 (0.025, 4.772)

Protective clothing0.010
 Used9815 (15.3)5.482 (1.532, 19.614)7.171 (1.603, 32.083)
 Not used943 (3.2)RR

Source of contamination0.551
 Unclean cutting board224 (18.2)RR
 Dirty knife123 (25)2.970 (0.855, 10.310)0.559 (0.094, 3.332)
 Handling with unclean equipment and hands15811 (6.9)4.455 (1.052, 18.861)1.846 (0.325, 10.492)

Manner of hand washing0.001
 Using detergents and water4110 (24.4)RR
 Rinsing with water only1518 (5.3)5.766 (2.105, 15.792)14.203 (3.088, 65.330)

Money handling0.990
 Butcher with bare hand144 (28.6)RR
 Cashier112 (18.2)5.167 (1.408, 18.954)0.998 (0.151, 6.479)
 Service woman/man16712 (7.2)2.870 (0.556, 14.810)1.016 (0.099, 10.418)

AOR, adjusted odds ratio; COR, crude odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; R, reference.