Research Article

Identification of Potent Bioassay Guided Terpenoid and Glycoside Root Fractions of Astragalus candolleanus against Clinically Significant Bacterial Strains

Table 6

Mass spectral interpretation of peak 4 from LC-MS-MS done on A. candolleanus root extract.

S.NoMassIonProduct ion and composition of neutral particle lostSubstructure or compound typeSpecific m/z ratio

1.1M+[M − 1]Molecular ion fragmented ion as base peak354.14
2.23Na+[M − 23]Organic Na + salts353.14
3.41C3H5+[M − 41]+Alicyclics (especially poly alicyclics) alkenes331.16
CH3CN+2-Methyl-N-aromatics-N-methyl anilines313.15