
In an earlier paper the authors described an algorithm for determining the quasi-order, Qt(b), of tmodb, where t and b are mutually prime. Here Qt(b) is the smallest positive integer n such that tn=±1modb, and the algorithm determined the sign (1) ϵ ,  ϵ =0,1, on the right of the congruence. In this sequel we determine the complementary factor F such that tn(1) ϵ =bF, using the algorithm rather that b itself. Thus the algorithm yields, from knowledge of b and t, a rectangular array a1a2ark1k2kr ϵ 1 ϵ 2 ϵ rq1q2qr The second and third rows of this array determine Qt(b) and  ϵ ; and the last 3 rows of the array determine F. If the first row of the array is multiplied by F, we obtain a canonical array, which also depends only on the last 3 rows of the given array; and we study its arithmetical properties.