
Let A be tile class of all analytic functions in the unit disk U such that f(0)=f(0)1=0. A function fA is called starlike with respect to 2n symmetric-conjugate points if Rezf(z)/fn(z)>0 for zU, where fn(z)=12nk=0n1[ωkf(ωkz)+ωkf(ωkz˜)¯], ω=exp(2πi/n]. This class is denoted by Sn*, and was studied in [1]. A sufficient condition for starlikeness with respect to symmetric-conjugate points is obtained. In addition, images of some subclasses of Sn* under the integral operator I:AA, I(f)=F where F(z)=c+1(g(z))c0zf(t)(g(t))c1g(t)dt,   c>0 and gA is given are determined.