
An ideal on a set X is a nonempty collection of subsets of X closed under the operations of subset and finite union. Given a topological space X and an ideal of subsets of X, X is defined to be -paracompact if every open cover of the space admits a locally finite open refinement which is a cover for all of X except for a set in . Basic results are investigated, particularly with regard to the - paracompactness of two associated topologies generated by sets of the form UI where U is open and I and {U|U is open and UA, for some open set A}. Preservation of -paracompactness by functions, subsets, and products is investigated. Important special cases of -paracompact spaces are the usual paracompact spaces and the almost paracompact spaces of Singal and Arya [“On m-paracompact spaces”, Math. Ann., 181 (1969), 119-133].