
For given analytic functions ϕ(z)=z+m=2λmzm,ψ(z)=z+m=2μmzm in U={z||z|<1} with λm0,μm0 and λmμm, let En(ϕ,ψ;A,B) be the class of analytic functions f(z)=z+m=2amzm in U such that (f*Ψ)(z)0 and Dn+1(f*ϕ)(z)Dn(f*Ψ)(z)1+Az1+Bz,1A<B1,zU, where Dnh(z)=z(zn1h(z))(n)/n!,nN0={0,1,2,} is the nth Ruscheweyh derivative; and * denote subordination and the Hadamard product, respectively. Let T be the class of analytic functions in U of the form f(z)=zm=2amzm,am0, and let En[ϕ,ψ;A,B]=En(ϕ,ψ;A,B)T. Coefficient estimates, extreme points, distortion theorems and radius of starlikeness and convexity are determined for functions in the class En[ϕ,ψ;A,B]. We also consider the quasi-Hadamard product of functions in En[z/(1z),z/(1z);A,B] and En[z/(1z)2,z/(1z)2;A,B].