
Let be the class of analytic functions in the unit disk that are normalized with f(0)=f′(0)1=0 and let 1B<A1. In this paper we study the class Gλ,α={f:|(1α+αzf(z)/f′(z))/zf′(z)/f(z)(1α)|<λ,z},0α1, and give sharp sufficient conditions that embed it into the classes S[A,B]={f:zf′(z)/f(z)(1+Az)/(1+Bz)} and K(δ)={f:1+zf(z)/f′(z)(1δ)(1+z)/(1z)+δ}, where “” denotes the usual subordination. Also, sharp upper bound of |a2| and of the Fekete-Szegö functional |a3μa22| is given for the class Gλ,α.