Research Article

On Degrees of Modular Common Divisors and the Big Prime Algorithm

Algorithm 3

Coprime polynomials detection modular algorithm.
Input: non-zero polynomials .
Detect if and are coprime.
(01) Calculate , in the Euclidean domain .
(02) Calculate in the Euclidean domain by (25).
(03) If
(04)  output the result: and are not coprime and stop.
(05) Set and .
(06) Calculate in the Euclidean domain .
(07) Set and .
(08) Compute the bound for polynomials by (32).
(09) Find the maximal for which .
(10)  Set .
(11)  While
(12)  choose a new prime ;
(13)  apply the reduction to calculate the modular images ;
(14)  calculate in the Euclidean domain ;
(15)    if
(16)      output the result: and are coprime and stop.
(17)  set .
(18)  If
(19)  go to step (12).
(20)  else
(21)  output the result: and are not coprime.