Research Article

Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials on Androgens versus Erythropoietin for Anaemia of Chronic Kidney Disease: Implications for Developing Countries

Table 1

Characteristics of included studies.

AuthorCountrySettingNumber of patients Mean age + SDDose of nandroloneDuration Iron studies
MalesFemalesTotalNandrolone EPOTotal

Navarro et al. [4]Spain CAPD27027 60 8.0061 7.00200 mg/week3 monthsNR
Gascon et al. [5]Spain Hemodialysis2673370 4.0072 4.00NR200 mg/week6 monthsNS
Aggarwal et al. [6]IndiaPredialysis3003046 12.6149.90 13.80NR100 mg/week 3 monthsNS
Singh et al. [7]IndiaPredialysis121224NRNRNR200 mg/week6 monthsNS

Key: CAPD: continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis, EPO: erythropoietin, NR: not reported, Iron studies: differences in iron studies at baseline between nandrolone group and EPO group, and NS: not significant.