Clinical Study

Cystatin C-Based Evaluation of Kidney Function of HIV-Infected Children in Benin City, Southern Nigeria

Table 4

Comparison of characteristics between HIV-infected children with and without chronic kidney disease.

CharacteristicsHIV-infected childrenTest value
With CKD Without CKD

 Mean ± SD 0.1412030.888a
BMI z score−0.155−0.421904.00.678b
Immunological stage
 Advanced13 (59.1)49 (26.8)9.72110.0031c*
 Not advanced9 (40.9)134 (73.2)
CD4 count
 Mean ± SD (cells/mm3) −3.153970.002a*
Cystatin C
 Mean ± SD (mg/L) 28.042030.000a*

CKD: chronic kidney disease. aStudent’s -test; bMann-Whitney test; cFisher’s exact test; *significant at .