Research Article

Primary Hyperoxaluria Type 1 in 18 Children: Genotyping and Outcome

Table 2

Management and outcome.

Follow-up period (year)RRTTransplantOutcome

IaC, F, P, ESWL13HDAlive
IbC, F, P7.5HDLULAlive
IcC, P3.5HDDied
IIaC, F, P, ESWL13HDLRL and 2 LRKAlive
IIbC, P2PDDied
IIcC, F, P9HDLRL and LRKAlive
IIdC, F, P3Died
IIIaC, P4.5HDDied
IIIbC, P3.5HDDied
IIIcC, F, P4LRLAlive
IIIdC, P2.5HDAlive
IVbC, P1.5Died
IVcC, F, P9Supportive*47
IVdC, F, P1.5Supportive*16
IVeC, P1PDDied
IVfC, F, P4Supportive*64
IVgC, P2PDDied

Family number 1 (I), family number 2 (II), family number 3 (III), and family number 4 (IV). ESRD: end-stage renal disease, C: citrate, F: fluid, P: pyridoxine, ESWL: electric shock wave lithotripsy, CKD: chronic kidney disease, HD: hemodialysis, PD: peritoneal dialysis, LRL: living-related liver transplant, LRK: living-related kidney transplant, LUL: living-unrelated liver transplant, and *estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR mL/min/m²).