Research Article

[Retracted] Management Practice, and Adherence and Its Contributing Factors among Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital: A Hospital Based Cross-Sectional Study

Table 1

Sociodemographic characteristic of chronic kidney disease patients attending the renal clinic of Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital.

VariablesStage of CKD
1 & 2 (n=50)3 (n = 88)4 (n = 55)5 (n = 63)Total (n= 256)

 Male25 (50)60 (68.2)31 (56.4)33 (52.4)149 (58)
 Female25 (50)28 (31.2)24 (43.6)30 (47.6)107 (42)
Age (years)
 ≤6038 (76)41 (46.6)28(50.9)32(50.8)139 (54.3)
 >6012(24)47 (53.4)27(49.1)31(49.2)117 (45.7)
Marital status
 Single14(28)23(26.1)20(36.4)20(31.7)77 (30.1)
 Married36(72)65(73.9)35(63.6)43(68.3)179 (69.9)
 Farmer6(12)8(9.1)4(7.3)6(9.5)24 (9.4)
 Gov’t employee18(36)19(25.6)11(20)12(19.1)60 (23.4)
 Merchant/trade7(14)5(5.7)5(9.1)6(9.5)23 (9)
 Daily laborer2(4)6(6.8)4(7.3)7(11.1)19 (7.4)
 House wife7(14)11(12.5)8(14.5)11(17.5) 37 (14.5)
 Retired6(12)27(30.7)18(32.7)14(22.2)65 (25.4)
 Others4(8)12(13.6)5(9.1)7(11.1)28 (10.9)
 Health professional3(6)1(1.1)2(3.6)1(1.6)7 (2.7)
 Non-health professional47(94)87(98.9)53(96.4)62(98.4)249 (97.3)
Educational status
 Cannot read and write5(10)11(12.5)7(12.7)7(11.1)30 (11.7)
 Primary13(26)31(35.23)20(36.4)24(38.1)88 (34.4)
 Secondary10(20)23(26.1)19(34.5)15(23.8)67 (26.2)
 Higher Education22(44)23(26.1)9(16.4)17(27)71 (27.7)
Monthly family income (ETB)
 Very low (≤860)4(8)10(11.4)11(20)15(23.8)40 (15.6)
 Low (861-1500)13(26)21(23.9)17(30.9)21(33.3)72 (28.1)
 Average (1501-3000)10(20)33(37.5)18(32.7)15(23.8)76 (29.7)
 Above average (3001-5000)17(34)20(22.7)6(10.9)8(12.7)51 (19.9)
 High (≥5001)6(12)4(4.5)3(5.5)4(6.4)17 (6.7)

Single, divorced, and widowed; students, driver, garage (mechanic), guard, or teacher working in private school; based on the Ethiopian Civil Service monthly salary scale for civil servants.