Research Article

[Retracted] Management Practice, and Adherence and Its Contributing Factors among Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital: A Hospital Based Cross-Sectional Study

Table 4

Nonpharmacological management approaches used among chronic kidney disease patients attending the renal clinic of Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital.

Variables Frequency Percent

Dietary Approach
Presence of agreed dietary plan with physician
Salt restriction (n = 175)
Cut off sweet carbohydrate meals (n=114)114100
Presence of agreed exercise plan with physicians
Exercising according to plan (n=130)
Days per week doing moderate intense exercise
 < 3 Days75.4
 ≥3 Days12394.6
Duration of moderate intense exercise per week in minutes
 < 140 Minutes6449.2
 ≥140 Minutes6650.8
Ever smoked
Smoking now (n = 28)