Research Article

Hemodialysis Adequacy and Its Impact on Long-Term Patient Survival in Demographically, Socially, and Culturally Homogeneous Patients

Table 1

Some basic demographic and social and economic characteristics of two groups that were matched from the beginning of the study.

GroupGroup AGroup B value

Number of patients4040=1
Age (years)37.87 ± 9.9841, 5 ± 10.80=0.10
Weight (kilograms)44.5050.40=0.79
Male gender (percent)22/(55%)22/(55%)=1
Number of patients with less than 58$ monthly income (percent)40 (100%)40 (%100)=1
Number of illiterate patients34 (85%)36 (90%)=0.50
Current marital status (married/unmarried)32/830/10=0.8
Time duration from the beginning of hemodialysis (months)44.05 ± 5.8050.80 ± 4.80=0.70
Number of uninsured patients400<0.01
Diabetes mellitus as the cause of end stage renal disease4 (10%)5 (12.5%)=0.28